
About us

Head of Department of International Cooperation

Paweł Truszkiewicz, PhD

phone: +48 789 442 126
Rectorate Building (A18), room 108A,
st. Licealna 9,
65-417, Zielona Góra


Joanna Socha, MA
phone: +48 68 328 3293
room 108A - Outgoing staff; bilateral agreements, Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator

Kamila Rabiko, MA
phone: +48 68 328 3295
room 106 - Incoming students

Katarzyna Krystek, BA
phone: +48 789 441 604
room 108A - Incoming students

Paulina Gőtt-Konopacka, MA
phone: +48 789 442 133
room 106 - Outgoing students

Krzysztof Pikul, MA
phone: +48 789 442 132
room 106 - Outgoing students, Outgoing staff

Urszula Maciejewska, MSc
phone: +48 503 416 457
room 012 - Incoming staff

Julia Kowalczykiewicz, BA
phone: +48 789 441 667
room 9, al. Woj. Polskiego 69, Welcome Center

Opening hours at Rectorate Building:

Monday-Friday: 830 - 1300

Tasks and duties: 

  • In terms of bilateral cooperation:
    • Preparation and registration of bilateral agreements;
    • Organizing meetings and events with the participation of abroad partners;
    • Advice and formal control of applications for cooperation under intergovernmental agreements of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.
  • In terms of international programmes and scholarschips:
    • Management of Erasmus+ Programme, in particular:
      • Preparation of documentation regarding: mobilities’ rules, the recruitment process for students and employees, financing and monitoring of mobilities;
      • Management of funds received from the National Agency, preparation of reports on finances and mobilities, cooperation with  UZ faculties on the implementation of projects;
      • Contact with National Agency for Erasmus+ Programme and European Commission;
      • Inform the academic community about the opportunities offered by the Program.
    • Supporting the University's organizational units, employees and students through advice and assistance in the formal preparation of applications and projects for international programmes and foreign scholarships
    • Conduct information campaigns on international programmes, scholarships and grants for employees and students.
  • In terms of international travels and staff mobility:
    • Support on the calculation of cost of abroad travel;
    • Preparation of documentation regarding both prepayment for abroad travel and funds for the incoming staff;
    • Calculation of costs of receiving guests from abroad;
    • Support on settlement of costs of abroad travelling;
    • Settlement of costs of incoming guests;
    • Preparation of reports on the scope of tasks of the Department of International Cooperation including reports for the Central Statistical Office;
    • Implementation of the Department's tasks resulting from the Public Procurement Regulations at the University of Zielona Góra.
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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18